Blog for Fomo Project

8/29 -- Sunrise

I wake up a little earlier than usual. Typically, I'll check my phone for any messages. But today I cannot do that. So instead I just lay there thinking about what I am going to do next. I meditate as I feel some intrusive thoughts entering. I then think what I will eat for breakfast. After a while I conclude that this 5 day vacation from social media will be a challenge. It won't be too threatening though because I was never that active on social media to begin with. Sometimes when I am bored I will do what is called free writing exercises. So journaling about life and it's components is something that I am used to. After I sit here writing all of this down I know I will be tempted to check Facebook one time. When facing urges to do things I typically say a private saying to myself to overcome the urge.
Grade: A

8/30 -- sunset

Today I will be journaling about the sunset. I have so far been good about not checking the social media. I have had temptations, but only once have I checked it. I have been busy but I have not had a long period where I am silently meditating. In these moments many thoughts come over me. I think to myself that I am not fully aware of what I am to be doing. What am I doing in this very moment. The social media vacation has led me to believe that people and places are mere virtual reality. I feel as if I'm experiencing too much of life through a screen.
Grade: B

8/31 -- sunrise
Today is Saturday and new challenges present themselves because Saturday is the most free time I get. Typically, I'll check social media and see what people I know did the night before. I decided not to as the people I know don't really do anything special. I got thinking about how social media can be used to be a negative thing. Social media has us comparing our lives with everyone else. This leads to jealous and depression. If you sit behind a screen all day then you are really missing out on life. This assignment has got me appreciating the smaller things in life.
Grade: B

9/1 -- afternoon
After some temptations, I did give in briefly to look at a friend's social media post. It came up in my notifications. The post got my attention. After doing some afternoon meditating, I thought that social media has not done much good for me. I know of a friend who is doing very well for himself and he has no social media. I thought about deleting my snap chat because I don't think that it does anything for me. I would like to keep Facebook as I follow important things.
Grade: C

9/2 -- evening

On the last day of the vacation from social media I have actually been more productive since I have not been spending as much time on my phone. I exercised more frequently and overall was a more productive being. I'm glad I did this project as I felt like most of my classes don't support endeavors like these.
Grade: A

Overall summary
I thought the Fomo project was a healthy and useful endeavor. I took some vital information away from it. I will try to use less social media and incorporate healthier habits into my life. At first, I thought the assignment was hard and pointless. Then after a few days I began to discover that there's more to life than screens and pressing buttons.
